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52 Weeks of Spiritually Based Recovery 

Start a Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery Meeting 

 Alcoholism ~ Drug Addiction ~ Anger Addiction ~ Gambling Addiction ~ Rx Addiction ~ Sexual Addiction ~ Food Addiction ~ Co-Dependency 

 Start a Recovery Meeting!

Our Recovery program was developed to lead people into a greater awareness of the spiritual component of recovery. 



For those who want to pursue the next level of their recovery,

this program is designed to foster deep and lasting recovery, based on spiritual principles. 

52 Weeks of Recovery Principles

Our Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery® program is a proven 52-week spiritually based Recovery
Meeting Program developed by a recovering alcoholic who has background in
AA, New Thought, Spirituality and Science of Mind philosophy. 


Our goal is to be a worldwide recovery resource for anyone looking to start or expand their recovery journey
using practical, spiritually-based principles and tools for self growth in order to claim a joy-filled life. 


We are touching and transforming lives all over the world with a new level of recovery.


We are defining what it means to truly live a joy-filled life. 

“The Wednesday Heart Mind & Spirit Recovery®  meetings are the bedrock of my recovery, and a vital part of my sober lifestyle. Participatingin a group that looks both inward, andforward, I feel like I am shepherded intodeeper recovery and self-understanding. The positive vibe always keeps me coming back tocelebrate life in recovery!”
– Kevin F.

“I was excited when I heard about the Heart, Mind & Spirit Recovery program,
because while it meets my personal goal of getting out of ‘the Old Stories’, it also keeps us grounded in the principles ofRecovery and Spirituality, which are ultimately ONE Thing.  I love the new Heart Mind & Spirit Recovery® spiritual support group we built up using this material.  With their help, I feel grounded in reality, yet empowered and free to create whatever I want in my life.”
 – Cindy B.

“There are so many things I love about the Heart Mind & Spirit Recovery® format - all the way from the description of who we are to the finishing affirmation, “I feel great when…” Already knowing the topic each week with readings from a variety of incredibly gifted authors illuminates numerous opportunities for developing
and living a new story about our recovery. This format makes it simple for anyone to facilitate. We are so grateful to have this
for our recovering community, their
families and their loved ones.” – 
Dawn M.


Get Started Today!

HMS Recovery Meeting
Program Book (PDF)


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